Internet Marketing

Straight Talking Digital Marketing

Having a strong social media presence is a great, but is often not enough. Complicated algorithms on sites like Facebook often mean that even the people who have chosen to “like” your page do not see your most important updates and valuable promotions. Additionally, most social media channels cannot provide the information many customers require as opposed to a google search or your website.

The answer lies in paid promotion on social media sites or paid google searches. With careful investment in targeted social media advertising, you can increase your reach dramatically. Social media advertising is a great tool for bringing new people to your brand, getting the word out about a new sale or product or simply reminding current customers how much they like your brand and what you have to offer.

It doesn’t matter whether your focus is the your local area, the country or the world, a well-targeted social media advertising campaign can put your message right in front of the people who are most likely to convert.

Solutions that deliver results

Here at DevVisions, we can create campaigns for every audience on any platform that is relevant. Our experience encompasses sites that include Facebook, SnapChat, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest and more.

Social media advertising also gives you excellent reporting and analytics that can be used to learn more about the people who are interested in your brand and how they react to your ads. We study those analytics to report back to you and to create new assets in the future that perform even better.